Around this time of year, many people are talking and thinking about what they are thankful for. So this is as good a time as any to pick up where I left off on the 365 days of grace...
Today I am thankful for...
1. A week of assessments: Some may think that a week of assessments would be hell...however, I really enjoy working with all the students in the school. I get to read with them and they get so excited!! I especially love working with the little ones (kindergarten and 1st grade). I may have found a new niche in young kids :)
2. Two days of happy hour in a row! Yesterday I had happy hour with girls from work and today I had the pleasure of hanging out with my brother, who I haven't seen in a long time! We enjoyed all Rudolph's had to offer for food and beer :) Thanks brother!
3. Nights at home with my cat: I LOVE being home with my husband, but I also love coming home to an empty house. I enjoy sitting on the couch, watching my DVR'd shows and having Tesa cuddle next to me. Nice to be kept company by a cute kitty
4. Book Club Girls! I love my book club! How lucky am I to have found a great group of girls on Craigs List?? I found my husband on Match, my house on Craigslist, why wouldn't I look for a book club on Craigs List? We have so much fun together and we even talk about the books!! Looking forward to many more years of great books, wine and conversation!
5. Stonebridge Community School. I didn't think I wanted to work in an inner city school with at-risk students. But I was offered a job there and I wanted a job, so I accepted. Little did I know it would be the greatest place for me to grow as an educator. I LOVE working with these kids! There is something about making a difference for these kids, helping them read, and helping them succeed in many ways. Every day, I love my job!
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