Saturday, February 27, 2010

Another challenge...

I wouldn't necessarily consider myself a super religious person. But I have always respected those who give up something for Lent. I have never thought myself strong enough to give up something for 40 days...this year was different!

The days leading up to Ash Wednesday, I was constantly thinking of what I could give up. I didn't talk with anyone about it, except myself :)

After a few days, I decided to give up alcohol for Lent. Again, I didn't tell anyone right away. I didn't tell Chad until the Friday after Ash Wednesday. My first challenge came that Friday at Happy Hour with work friends. I told friends I was giving up alcohol, and drank kiddy cocktails all night. Surprisingly, I was satisfied and it was easy.

As you know now, I spent last weekend in Duluth with my mom and brother. Waiting for dinner Saturday night, my mom ordered me a club soda and cranberry juice. She wanted me to get away from the kiddy cocktail, since it has pop and a lot of sugar in the grenadine. The club soda/cranberry juice was NOT satisfying and it made not drinking really hard.

Once we sat down at the table, my mom and I discussed my goal for Lent. After much debate, we decided I should give up alcohol in everyday settings: home, happy hour, etc. Because I love to enjoy a glass of wine while eating out, we decided I should be able to have a glass of wine on special occasions: dinner with mom, cousins' night out, etc. However, I will still abstain from drinking at home and at happy hour. I want this goal to be something that I can actually achieve.

I have already have 2 people believe I am doing this because I am pregnant...


There have been days that I come from work, and I want to have a glass of wine with dinner. It has been challenging, but I am also enjoying the challenge.

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