I finally went to the grocery store today to load up on essentials...and some nonessentials :)
I tried to get as many veggies as I could since I really don't eat many now. Hopefully, adding fruites and veggies to my diet will only benefit me. Keeping track of what I eat has been a lot easier than I thought it would be...I have been keeping track on my phone so I always have that with me to record my meals.
Day 3:
9:00 a.m. Mineral water and Nature Valley Peanut Butter bar
11:30 a.m. 1 serving raisins
12:00 p.m. Ham sandwich on wheat bread with mustard and cheese (Made by my fabulous husband!!) Mineral water. 1 serving of pea pods. Apple sauce
2:30 p.m. 1 serving Fruit Source mini bites. (These are my new favorite find! They were sampling them at CostCo and I loved them! 1 serving of them- or 14 bites- equals 2 servings of fruit, or 2 apples. And they are really yummy!!!!) 1 mineral water
6:30 p.m. Luna bar (toasted nuts and cranberry.. I was a bit apprehensive about these because anytime I try these bars, they taste gross and...gross. I was impressed with this though!! ). Mineral water. 6 everything flat breads (JJ Flat Breads) with Garlic and Chives cream cheese. 1 sugar cookie.
6:45-7:00 p.m. I tried a new Workout DVD today that I bought at Marshalls for $2.99. How good could it be for that much? It was pretty good. There are 5 different 10 minute workouts. I tried the workout with the ball. I will try a different 10 minute workout tomorrow.
7:30 p.m. Salad with balsamic vinigarette, onion, green pepper, gorgonzola cheese, apple, dried cranberries and blueberries. 1 glass of Pinot Grigio
9:00 p.m. 1 more glass of Pinot Grigio
Comments: 4 waters...didn't reach my goal of 6 today. This is probably because I had wine at night instead of water. I had pea pods, green peppers, onions, apples, cranberries, blueberries and 2 servings of fruit (from the fruit bites). This is getting closer to my goal but still not enough servings.
Goals: I am working out in the morning tomorrow so I will have to wait to eat until after that. I may have another protein bar before the workout though.
Till tomorrow!!!
What is your favorite before-workout snack???
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
Any sweets??
One of my resolutions for 2010 is to cut back (or eliminate) sweets, especially candy and unneccessary sweets. This is easy at home, because we don't keep candy in the house. However, it will be more difficult when I go back to work...my sweet tooth seems to kick in when I am there. Anyways, here is what I ate today...had a long break in eating because I had a crown and a filling done at the dentist :(
9:00 a.m. Mineral water
11:00 a.m. 2 fried egg sandwich on wheat with mayo. Orange and mineral water.
12:00 p.m. Kid-sized box of raisins
4:00 p.m. Lunds Wild Rice and Ham soup. 6 pretzels. Mineral water. Baked potato with top the tater...(I was starving!! I was also totally numb on the left side so it was quite hard to eat anything)
6:00 p.m. Mineral Water
8:00 p.m. Scrambled eggs with green pepper, onion, andouille sausage, mexican cheese. 1 piece of whole wheat toast and 1 c. homemade apple sauce (Thanks neighbor!!! SOOO good and fresh!!) Mineral Water
8:30 p.m. 4 bites of chocolate cheesecake...perfect amount!!
Comments on today's food: I had 5 eggs today!! 5 mineral waters...which equals 60 ounces. I read that you should drink 8 ounces of water 8 times a day...which equals 64 ounces a day. I was 4 ounces short today...probably because I could not drink out of the left side of my face :(
Tomorrow's Goal: I hope to try to drink 6 mineral waters tomorrow or substitute one glass of regular water. I am also going to try to eat one serving of both fruit and vegetables at each meal.
9:00 a.m. Mineral water
11:00 a.m. 2 fried egg sandwich on wheat with mayo. Orange and mineral water.
12:00 p.m. Kid-sized box of raisins
4:00 p.m. Lunds Wild Rice and Ham soup. 6 pretzels. Mineral water. Baked potato with top the tater...(I was starving!! I was also totally numb on the left side so it was quite hard to eat anything)
6:00 p.m. Mineral Water
8:00 p.m. Scrambled eggs with green pepper, onion, andouille sausage, mexican cheese. 1 piece of whole wheat toast and 1 c. homemade apple sauce (Thanks neighbor!!! SOOO good and fresh!!) Mineral Water
8:30 p.m. 4 bites of chocolate cheesecake...perfect amount!!
Comments on today's food: I had 5 eggs today!! 5 mineral waters...which equals 60 ounces. I read that you should drink 8 ounces of water 8 times a day...which equals 64 ounces a day. I was 4 ounces short today...probably because I could not drink out of the left side of my face :(
Tomorrow's Goal: I hope to try to drink 6 mineral waters tomorrow or substitute one glass of regular water. I am also going to try to eat one serving of both fruit and vegetables at each meal.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Healthy Living and Eating...
So I have been struggling since the wedding to find a happy medium with my weight and lifestyle. I have put on some pounds and am feeling the crunch to get rid of them!! I have been going to the gym a lot more and trying to make healthier choices in eating (which has been hard during the last month). Something that has been helpful is reading Food Blogs. The blogs are written by women who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and they write about their food choices and their workout activities. Two of my favorites are healthytippingpoint.com and ohsheglows.com. These ladies give great advice and recipes that really help me.
Something that I have been trying to do is keep track of what I eat in a day. This is VERY helpful to me because it shows how much the snacks and in-between-meals add up. This also keeps me accountable for my actions...as does this blog!! (Carrie Underwood swears by this ritual)
Today I ate:
10 a.m. 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and sugar-free jelly and a mineral water
11 a.m. Piece of hot pepper cheese
1:00 p.m. 3 Christmas cookies; mineral water. (La Croix Mineral Water has been the KEY to me getting rid of pop in my diet. I do not crave pop anymore and I actually feel sick when I have any pop. These quench my thirst and keep my hunger at bay!!)
2:00 p.m. One piece of meat lasagna, 1/2 c. green bean casserole, 3 pieces of garlic bread (EEK!). Coors Light
4:00 p.m. Glass of red wine; Christmas cookie.
8:00 p.m. Orange and 2 M&MsI also did 50 minutes of The Firm: Total Muscle Shaping DVD I got for Christmas. It was hard to do though because I do not have a step or 3 different sets of weights (3lb, 5lb and 8lb). I only have a 10lb set of weights so those were pretty worthless. I am going to go to Marshalls tomorrow to see if I can find some lighter weights so I can do this DVD on nights that I do not go to the gym.
I hope to use this blog (again) to chronicle my trek on this difficult journey. It is so easy to work out and eat healthy every day when I am off on Winter Vacation. The true test will be when I go back to work in 1 week.
Stay tuned and please send me your suggestions or hints!!!
Something that I have been trying to do is keep track of what I eat in a day. This is VERY helpful to me because it shows how much the snacks and in-between-meals add up. This also keeps me accountable for my actions...as does this blog!! (Carrie Underwood swears by this ritual)
Today I ate:
10 a.m. 2 pieces of whole wheat toast with peanut butter and sugar-free jelly and a mineral water
11 a.m. Piece of hot pepper cheese
1:00 p.m. 3 Christmas cookies; mineral water. (La Croix Mineral Water has been the KEY to me getting rid of pop in my diet. I do not crave pop anymore and I actually feel sick when I have any pop. These quench my thirst and keep my hunger at bay!!)
2:00 p.m. One piece of meat lasagna, 1/2 c. green bean casserole, 3 pieces of garlic bread (EEK!). Coors Light
4:00 p.m. Glass of red wine; Christmas cookie.
8:00 p.m. Orange and 2 M&MsI also did 50 minutes of The Firm: Total Muscle Shaping DVD I got for Christmas. It was hard to do though because I do not have a step or 3 different sets of weights (3lb, 5lb and 8lb). I only have a 10lb set of weights so those were pretty worthless. I am going to go to Marshalls tomorrow to see if I can find some lighter weights so I can do this DVD on nights that I do not go to the gym.
I hope to use this blog (again) to chronicle my trek on this difficult journey. It is so easy to work out and eat healthy every day when I am off on Winter Vacation. The true test will be when I go back to work in 1 week.
Stay tuned and please send me your suggestions or hints!!!
Monday, November 9, 2009
Day 9
Today I am grateful for...
1. An awesome Halloween costume! Even though I didn't get to wear it out this year. I got this Halloween costume in college. It might be bad luck though. In college, my friends didn't want to go out for Halloween so I wore the costume while sitting on the couch watching football. This year, I also sat on the couch with friends who didn't want to go out. I might need to get a new costume next year :(We did make fabulous Pumpkin Bread though--it was from a box :)
2. Great, loving, fun cousins! I have taken on the job of being Entertainment Director of my cousins couples' group. Now, we have 5 cousins and spouses and we are hoping to add more as our get-togethers get more frequent. We went to happy hour at Cowboy Slim's, watched the opening Vikings game at Majors and last month, everyone came over to our house and then we went downtown to see Mitch Fatell at the Pantages Theater...we had WAY too much fun!!
What should we do this month??
3. Great "honorary" sisters. I always wanted sisters. For Christmas, when I was little, I even asked my parents for one. Unfortunately, I never got a sister. I did, however, get 5 great girls who are my honorary sisters (and one honorary brother). I was lucky enough to have all these girls in my wedding as my Junior Bridesmaids and Flower girl. I found these girls (and their families) and became their nanny. I still try very hard to be active in their lives. The oldest ones are even in high school....eeekk!!!!
Thanks girls for being my sisters!
5. A husband and kitty...it's the smallest things in life that make me the happiest!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Day 8
Around this time of year, many people are talking and thinking about what they are thankful for. So this is as good a time as any to pick up where I left off on the 365 days of grace...
Today I am thankful for...
1. A week of assessments: Some may think that a week of assessments would be hell...however, I really enjoy working with all the students in the school. I get to read with them and they get so excited!! I especially love working with the little ones (kindergarten and 1st grade). I may have found a new niche in young kids :)
2. Two days of happy hour in a row! Yesterday I had happy hour with girls from work and today I had the pleasure of hanging out with my brother, who I haven't seen in a long time! We enjoyed all Rudolph's had to offer for food and beer :) Thanks brother!
3. Nights at home with my cat: I LOVE being home with my husband, but I also love coming home to an empty house. I enjoy sitting on the couch, watching my DVR'd shows and having Tesa cuddle next to me. Nice to be kept company by a cute kitty
4. Book Club Girls! I love my book club! How lucky am I to have found a great group of girls on Craigs List?? I found my husband on Match, my house on Craigslist, why wouldn't I look for a book club on Craigs List? We have so much fun together and we even talk about the books!! Looking forward to many more years of great books, wine and conversation!
5. Stonebridge Community School. I didn't think I wanted to work in an inner city school with at-risk students. But I was offered a job there and I wanted a job, so I accepted. Little did I know it would be the greatest place for me to grow as an educator. I LOVE working with these kids! There is something about making a difference for these kids, helping them read, and helping them succeed in many ways. Every day, I love my job!
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Do these jeans make my butt look like yours??
I love eating out for breakfast, so I suggested we go out for breakfast this morning. The husband was not loving the idea...but I whined and got my way. I quickly got dressed and put my face on so we could go...I was starving!! Plus I wanted to beat the "college crowd" at the Uptown Diner. If you know my husband, you know that he takes FOREVER to get ready to go anywhere or do anything. I was sitting on the bed, waiting for him to get dressed and ready. He walks into the bedroom, wearing none other than MY jeans. He smiles, and says, "I guess these aren't my jeans." Is it weird that my husband can fit into my jeans?
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
The Swine?
So I have heard all the hype and news about the H1N1 (I call it "The Swine") circling around. I haven't really seen it at our school and I have, surprisingly, stayed healthy. Some schools have had 60-100 students out sick. While visiting my Grandpa Bill in the hospital today, we were watching the nightly news. (I haven't had time or been around a tv during the news to watch it in awhile). The story I saw was about a few middle school and elementary school aged kids who had been hospitalized with The Swine. One boy was in a coma for 3 weeks, another for 1 week, and an 8th grade girl even died. I was shocked! I had heard of a few people who died, but didn't know it was now a common occurence. I thought to myself..." I don't even know the symptoms of H1N1. How will I know if I, or someone else, has it?"
So tell me, what are the symptoms of H1N1?
Do you know of someone who has had or has H1N1? Tell me about it!!
Monday, October 26, 2009
Mrs. Raiche is back!!!
Hello readers!!!!
I know I have been gone for awhile but I feel the need to write again. So here I am. I don't really have that great of a reason for my absence...life has a way of sucking you in and swallowing you up!
As you know, I got married on June 13. After being married for almost 5 months, I can say that we are happily married and loving life! The wedding was PERFECT and the honeymoon was FANTASTIC! We can honestly say they were the best days of our lives!! We talk about renewing our vows and taking a second honeymoon weekly. Another piece of exciting news is that I took a new position at Stonebridge. I was moved from 5th grade to 3rd grade. I was a big reluctant because of the grade change and the kids I would be getting. However, I faced the challenge with excitement and enthusiasm. While unpacking my new classroom, I got a call from my director. She said she wanted to talk to me in person but since I was unpacking, she had to ask me now. She talked to me about the test scores from last year and our necessity for a Reading teacher. Again, I was reluctant. This would be a new position...a new responsibility. I would have to give up having a classroom and share a tiny, tiny office with Doug. After discussing it with my family, friends and Chad, I decided to take the position. Thank God I did, because I love it! I am also going back to school at Hamline University in St. Paul to get another license in Reading. I forgot how much I love going to school and having weekly discussions with other teachers.So that is what has been happening in my life. Keep reading and I will keep writing!!!
I know I have been gone for awhile but I feel the need to write again. So here I am. I don't really have that great of a reason for my absence...life has a way of sucking you in and swallowing you up!
As you know, I got married on June 13. After being married for almost 5 months, I can say that we are happily married and loving life! The wedding was PERFECT and the honeymoon was FANTASTIC! We can honestly say they were the best days of our lives!! We talk about renewing our vows and taking a second honeymoon weekly. Another piece of exciting news is that I took a new position at Stonebridge. I was moved from 5th grade to 3rd grade. I was a big reluctant because of the grade change and the kids I would be getting. However, I faced the challenge with excitement and enthusiasm. While unpacking my new classroom, I got a call from my director. She said she wanted to talk to me in person but since I was unpacking, she had to ask me now. She talked to me about the test scores from last year and our necessity for a Reading teacher. Again, I was reluctant. This would be a new position...a new responsibility. I would have to give up having a classroom and share a tiny, tiny office with Doug. After discussing it with my family, friends and Chad, I decided to take the position. Thank God I did, because I love it! I am also going back to school at Hamline University in St. Paul to get another license in Reading. I forgot how much I love going to school and having weekly discussions with other teachers.So that is what has been happening in my life. Keep reading and I will keep writing!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 7
Unfortunately, I have been unsuccessful at daily blogging. I guess I cannot fault myself, since I am 19 days away from my wedding, 11 school days away from summer, trying to find a summer job, trying to find a house, and dealing with the other day-to-day stresses. So I am going to continue the 365 days of graces, but I am going to post when I have time and energy to post.
5 things I am grateful for today:
1. Seeing my future husband wearing his wedding ring, and seeing his delight and excitement about wearing it. (He was previously against wearing a ring and was not looking forward to it. After having HIS ring on, he is more excited and pleased)
2. An extra weekend day. Chad and I had a great day: lounging around in the morning, cleaning the house, running errands, sitting in the backyard drinking beer and playing Gin. (I lost)
3. Sleeping pills: I know, I know. I am dependent on something to help me sleep. I can sleep just fine without my meds, but here is the thing: I have the craziest, weirdest, scariest dreams. One night, I dreamed Chad died in an explosion and I had to learn how to live without him days before our wedding. Chad said he heard me whimpering in my sleep. I look forward to a nightmare-less sleep tonight.
4. Dollar stores: I got my students their "graduation" presents for a great price! I alsos got some baskets for the bathrooms at the wedding. I love the dollar store!
5. Fighting with my significant other. We have had a rough week. We are both stressed out about many things and we have been taking them out on each other. We haven't seen eye to eye on many things this whole week. Fortunately, we discussed them, realized they were small things, and enjoyed a great, stress-free day today. I appreciate the fights we have because I know we are strong enough to work through our disagreements and still love each other. I look forward to enjoying the next 18 days before we start our marriage together!
5 things I am grateful for today:
1. Seeing my future husband wearing his wedding ring, and seeing his delight and excitement about wearing it. (He was previously against wearing a ring and was not looking forward to it. After having HIS ring on, he is more excited and pleased)
2. An extra weekend day. Chad and I had a great day: lounging around in the morning, cleaning the house, running errands, sitting in the backyard drinking beer and playing Gin. (I lost)
3. Sleeping pills: I know, I know. I am dependent on something to help me sleep. I can sleep just fine without my meds, but here is the thing: I have the craziest, weirdest, scariest dreams. One night, I dreamed Chad died in an explosion and I had to learn how to live without him days before our wedding. Chad said he heard me whimpering in my sleep. I look forward to a nightmare-less sleep tonight.
4. Dollar stores: I got my students their "graduation" presents for a great price! I alsos got some baskets for the bathrooms at the wedding. I love the dollar store!
5. Fighting with my significant other. We have had a rough week. We are both stressed out about many things and we have been taking them out on each other. We haven't seen eye to eye on many things this whole week. Fortunately, we discussed them, realized they were small things, and enjoyed a great, stress-free day today. I appreciate the fights we have because I know we are strong enough to work through our disagreements and still love each other. I look forward to enjoying the next 18 days before we start our marriage together!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Day 6
It was a very long week. The last weeks of school are always the longest. The days seem to pass so slowly. Thankfully, I have something to look forward to each week: field trips, concerts, fun stuff on the weekend.
Five things that graced my presence today:
1. Happy Hour with work friends
2. A cat running to the door when I come home
3. Time in the morning to get a Medium White Chocolate Mocha with Skim milk and no whip at Starbucks...
4. Being locked out of my house yesterday and then having the time to sit at Gigi's in Uptown to drink a glass of wine and read my book in the sun
5. A forgiving spouse who comes home from work to let me in, instead of going to Happy Hour. He even does it with a smile on his face :)
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Days 4 and 5
I don't even remember yesterday so I don't know why I didn't write. I do remember that yesterday was 1 month until our wedding. Today is the 30 day countdown. So I have a lot of graces in my life right now...
Day 4:
1. I am marrying a man who has been my best friend for the last almost 5 years...and I know he will always be my best friend!
2. Chad is funny, sensitive and caring
3. I laugh every day with him
4. He loves my kitty (even though he's allergic)
5. When he comes to bed, he always kisses me on the forehead and tells me he loves me :)
Day 5:
1. It was a beautiful day for my field trip on a boat down the Mississippi River
2. A student said about the boat, "Does that boat move? Is it going to move? I am not going anymore."
3. While looking at ducks, another student said, "Look at the chickens."
4. My group of 3 kids was great! They got along, locked arms with mine and told me how much fun they were having
5. Tomorrow is Friday!
That's all for now. I am going to try and get some exercise since it is so nice outside. I may take in a softball game in Plymouth...guess I need to start working on being a good "wife."
Day 4:
1. I am marrying a man who has been my best friend for the last almost 5 years...and I know he will always be my best friend!
2. Chad is funny, sensitive and caring
3. I laugh every day with him
4. He loves my kitty (even though he's allergic)
5. When he comes to bed, he always kisses me on the forehead and tells me he loves me :)
Day 5:
1. It was a beautiful day for my field trip on a boat down the Mississippi River
2. A student said about the boat, "Does that boat move? Is it going to move? I am not going anymore."
3. While looking at ducks, another student said, "Look at the chickens."
4. My group of 3 kids was great! They got along, locked arms with mine and told me how much fun they were having
5. Tomorrow is Friday!
That's all for now. I am going to try and get some exercise since it is so nice outside. I may take in a softball game in Plymouth...guess I need to start working on being a good "wife."
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Day 3
I almost forgot to write today...it has been a busy day.
1. Kitties who love to lay on paper. You may think this is annoying, and most of the time it is. But she is just so darn cute when she does it :)
2. High school classroom volunteers: My volunteer, Lisa, is from Cretin Derham Hall. She is a senior and their school put on a dinner for all the teachers who mentor high school students. It was a really nice dinner and I got to go with my other teachers...they also have volunteers from Cretin in their class.
3. 10 minutes to talk with Chad without any distractions
4. A new book from Amazon in the mailbox
5. MCA science test today...a nice 75 minute break from teaching :)
Nighty Night!
1. Kitties who love to lay on paper. You may think this is annoying, and most of the time it is. But she is just so darn cute when she does it :)
2. High school classroom volunteers: My volunteer, Lisa, is from Cretin Derham Hall. She is a senior and their school put on a dinner for all the teachers who mentor high school students. It was a really nice dinner and I got to go with my other teachers...they also have volunteers from Cretin in their class.
3. 10 minutes to talk with Chad without any distractions
4. A new book from Amazon in the mailbox
5. MCA science test today...a nice 75 minute break from teaching :)
Nighty Night!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Day 2
So today was a reasonably good day...for a Monday. My students were quite enjoyable and we had fun together. It was a beautiful day so we even got to spend 25 minutes outside! Here is my list for Monday:
1. A job where I can sit outside and do the crossword for the day (even though I do have to watch children as well)
2. Having a wedding planner...what would I do without her?
3. Listening to 5th graders write poems about themselves...they can be so insightful!
4. Email!!! I probably send/receive up to 100 emails a day on wedding related things...What am I going to do with my life when this is over?? RELAX!!!
5. A fabulous day yesterday with my family...plus great steaks on the grill!!
Till tomorrow...be thankful!
1. A job where I can sit outside and do the crossword for the day (even though I do have to watch children as well)
2. Having a wedding planner...what would I do without her?
3. Listening to 5th graders write poems about themselves...they can be so insightful!
4. Email!!! I probably send/receive up to 100 emails a day on wedding related things...What am I going to do with my life when this is over?? RELAX!!!
5. A fabulous day yesterday with my family...plus great steaks on the grill!!
Till tomorrow...be thankful!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
365 Days of Grace
I know I haven't written in a really long time, as few have pointed out to me. While searching the Internet, I found a blog I really enjoyed. Then I found that many people are writing blogs similar to the one I saw. Their blogs focus on finding 5 things each day that grace them for 365 days. I love this challenge and think it's a great way to get back into blogging.
So, I am beginning one year of posts called "Grace In Small Things". Every day for 365 days, I will post a list of five things that have graced my life, either on that day or at any time in my life. Feel free to join me. Or mock me. Or, you know, do whatever's in your heart. You can start on whatever day you want, so if you come across this six months from now, don't let that hold you back.
For my mom on Mom's Day, I am grateful for:
1. Having my mom help me with every decision with the wedding
2. The second I walk into my parents' house, my mom pulls out a snack, usually carrots and dip
3. My mom's practical side...I can always count on her to tell me the truth and be honest with me
4. Mom always helps me with whatever I ask of her
5. She gives me unconditional love...
Love you mom! happy Mom's Day!
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