Saturday, April 24, 2010

Earth Day!

My brother's band Roster McCabe organized an Earth Day cleanup at a local Minneapolis park.  I thought this would be a great way to get some of my students involved in Earth Day. I convinced the 3rd and 5th grade teacher to bring their class. We had to take the city bus (and a transfer) to a park by the U of M.  We were SOOO nervous about this transfer!! Imagine putting 28 kids on a city bus, taking them off, walking to another stop, waiting for that bus and getting on a bus again. It was just chaotic and stressful!

But the kids had sooo much fun! They didn't really understand why we were going to a park and what we were going to do, but once they got there, they all got really into it!!

I LOVE this picture!!! They were so excited because there was so much garbage on the train tracks. If you look in the distance, you can see a train approaching.  

After we collected garage, we let the kids play for awhile. It was a beautiful day and the kids loved playing on a "new" playground!!

Some of the kids don't look very happy in this picture. It isn't easy getting 28 pre-teens to sit for a picture!  Still, we had a great day!!

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