Monday, April 19, 2010

My favorite dinner!!!!

I was feeling pretty sore yesterday and today fro my 5K on Saturday (read my recap here). My calves feel like they have bowling balls in them.

I still wanted to run today though. It was SUCH a beautiful day here and I just wanted to be outside!

I ran to Hamline after work to pick up my Case Study that I turned in 2 weeks ago. It was a HUGE project that took me forever to do. I got 100/100!!! I was soooo excited and my professor's comments were great!! This put a HUGE smile on my face. :)

So I hurried home, grin and all, and changed into my running clothes.

I usually plan my run using  But today, I just wanted to run, without a plan!!

I set out, but my calves REALLY hurt. I kept going even though I was in pain.  It was such a beautiful day, and it was so nice to run without a plan. I looked at all the houses around me and enjoyed the views!

I got home and decided to "recover" with my foam roller. Do you have one of these? YOU. MUST. GET. ONE. OF. THESE!!!  They are fabulous!!!

I got this Foam Roller when I fell down the stairs a few years ago. But I saw Kath at use hers on her shins and I decided to try it!

I used the roller on the front of my shins and on the backs of my calves...
It felt sooooo good!!

My physical therapist at TRIA told me that if my shins hurt in one spot, then she would be worried about a stress fracture.  I was a little worried today because I could pinpoint an exact spot on BOTH shins where I had pain...


and here...
I see her tomorrow so I will share this with her...

Tesa always lays on my yoga mat when I bring it out...she is also laying on my "homework" from my physical therapist.
Cat owners: Is this weird??

On to dinner:
I told Chad this morning that I was going to make Chicken Stir favorite!!

I sauteed Red Pepper flakes in Sesame Oil. 
I added 1 lb. of chicken breast.

I cut up: 1 head of broccoli, 1/2 green pepper, small onion, 2 handfuls of green beans, 1 handful of pea pods.

I used Trader Joe's Organic Brown Rice...I LOVE this stuff! Pop the bag in the microwave for 3 minutes and it's done!! So easy!!
All together now...

Dessert was one of these babies....
My new favorite treat (for this week)

We just finished last night's episode of Brothers and Sisters. 

I am off to read Jodi Piccoult's new book and get ready for the last day of MCA testing tomorrow...

Woot Woot!!


Alexa said...

What a GREAT idea with that skinny cow ice cream, I'm totally going to copy you. I also love my foam roller, and I'm a big Brothers and Sisters fan, so good show choice. =)

Bree said...

I love my foam roller. I roll around on it at night when we are watching TV or a movie. I just started working on my shins more last night, too!